
House Exterior Colors – 11 Modern White Houses From Around The World

Few things look cleaner than a brilliant crisp white. While it may look bold, houses with an all white exterior are the ultimate way to make a statement and create a super modern looking home.

Here are 11 examples of houses with white exteriors that look clean, modern, and stand out from the crowd.

1. This house looks like it’s been made by stacking white blocks on top of each other to create a modern, open living space.


2. The curved lines and pops of black against this large white house give it a clean, futuristic look.


3. Walls of windows break up the all white exterior of this modern family home.


4. The bright white exterior of this angular home gives it a clean look and sets it apart from the other houses around it.


5. Black window frames and balconies create a striking contrast against the white panels covering the exteriors of this row of houses.


6. Large windows on this bright white house ensure that the inside is just as bright as the outside.


7. The clean lines of this white house and it’s position on a cobbled street make it look exceptionally modern.


8. Large white walls appear to cut through this large modern home dividing it into a number of white rectangles.


9. This white house features a unique glass cutout surrounding the front door area to break up the otherwise all white exterior and brighten up the inside of the home.


10. This large, white, rectangular house appears to be emerging right out of the rocks from the mountain behind it.


11. Other than a few black window frames and doors, the outside of this family home is completely white.


Designed by M2.sensos. Photography by Ivo Tavares Studio.



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